Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The PHenomenal Mile Takes on a 60-Second Relay!

On April 12, 30 states and 68 different groups will walk, run, or just move in any way for The PHenomenal Mile. The Midlands SC Palmetto PHriends Support Group is one of the groups participating, and this group decided to put a unique twist on its gathering – a 60-Second Relay! 

“I wanted my group to do something on April 12 to show support for the Race of Our Lives and Team PHenomenal Hope. April 12 coincides with our regular meeting schedule, so it seemed like a good opportunity to combine the meeting with some type of event,” says Doug Taylor, PH patient and support group leader.

Doug realized that many of his group members would not be able to walk one mile on their own, but the group could collectively. That is when the idea of a 60-Second Relay was born. With the relay, no one person would have to walk more than 30-60 feet – a distance more manageable for many members in the support group. “I asked my group at our last meeting how they would feel about doing it, and I got a great response,” says Doug.
The relay will use a water bottle
as a baton what a great idea!

During the relay, participants can walk – or ride if the person is in a wheelchair or scooter – a short distance, and pass the baton to the next person. The baton that the group plans to use is a Team PHenomenal Hope water bottle. 

Participation is open to anyone who attends the event and the group plans to collect donations for PH research and patient programs.

60-Second Relay for the Race of Our Lives 
April 12, 2014
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Lexington Medical Center
Lower Level Classroom 1 – North Tower
2720 Sunset Blvd
West Columbia, SC 29072

Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP to attend. To RSVP, contact Doug Taylor at 803-465-2139 or

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